Americans have been flocking to Spain for many reasons in recent years, but one of the biggest ones is healthcare. Not only because Spain offers coverage that is more cost effective, but also because of its exceptional quality and efficiency.

America’s System is Flawed?
It’s no secret that the United States’ healthcare system has some serious drawbacks. If you’re an American, you’ve probably dealt with this first-hand to some extent. There are so many stories of people in the States who have gone without necessary medical care simply because they couldn’t afford it. Other times, people have received exorbitant hospital bills for seemingly minuscule services. This is drastically different from life in Europe, where healthcare is made accessible and affordable for everyone. This is especially true in Spain.

Everyone is Affected
This isn’t only an issue that the poorest individuals recognize though – everyone acknowledges America’s massive disparities. A Harvard University publication calls the current healthcare system in the US broken, saying it “has a cruel tendency to delay or deny high-quality care to those who are most in need of it but can least afford its high cost.” One local Spanish news site explains that “In Spain, healthcare is seen as a fundamental right and how much money you have won’t determine whether you get treatment or not, whereas in the US healthcare is generally only available only to those who can afford it.” The way the United States prioritizes profit over people has pushed many Americans to move to Europe, where governments typically care more about the wellbeing of their citizens.

Spain’s Success
American expats seem to agree; healthcare in Spain is not only more affordable, it’s also of much better quality in most cases. However, it isn’t only expats who think so – countless institutions and organizations around the world back up these claims as well. Radar Healthcare’s latest ranking places Spain at number 5 in a list of 33 countries with the best medical care. The US, on the other hand, doesn’t even make the top 15. The WHO ranks Spain as the 7th best healthcare system in the world, compared to the US which is ranked at 37. The HAQ places Spain at number 8 in the world, while the US is at number 81!
Studies show that due to these differences in quality, health outcomes in the US are generally worse than in Spain. There are many different reasons for this, but a simple answer given by one Medium contributor is that the complexity and fragmented nature of the US’ system leads to inefficiency and waste, whereas the Spanish system is “simpler, more efficient, and in a true sense not-for-profit.”

Benefits for Americans
This less-complicated system produces many benefits that are drawing in American expats. One example is that in the US, many times pharmacists can’t help you, even with minor illnesses, due to possible lawsuits. In Spain, however, you’re able to walk into any pharmacy and get the medication you need. This is because basic medications, such as contraceptives, are over-the-counter in Spain. The US on the other hand often requires a prescription for medications like these, otherwise you’ll be charged far more, sometimes 3 times as much.
The Price is Right
Instances like these aren’t the only times you’ll see drastic differences in cost. One American expat reported that in Spain, they pay 1/8th of the cost they were used to in the States. Most policies in Spain cost around €45 to €200 per month, but the average is €60 for adults and €30 for children. In Spain, there are never any deductibles. If you ever have a copay – which is rare – it’s extremely inexpensive, usually just a few euros. With a standard Spanish plan, all costs – including emergencies and hospitalizations – are covered.
You can check what your monthly coverage would be here!

Because of the United States’ complex system, insurance costs for Americans can vary. However, a rough estimate from International Insurance averages that Americans pay around $500 per month for their health insurance, in addition to the many out-of-pocket costs. Generally, you can guarantee Americans will pay at least double what Spaniards do. Due to these steep prices, many average Americans end up acquiring medical debt. In Spain, this is simply not an issue.
The Spanish Lifestyle
In addition to the better quality and decreased cost, many American expats also report that the Spanish way of living has totally reshaped their medical needs, with some claiming they no longer need certain treatments only a short time after moving overseas. One American expat has said that after 6 months in Spain, she no longer needed botox shots for chronic migraines she’s had for decades, and her pancreatitis all but vanished. She claims living in Spain restored her health and may have actually saved her life.

Benefits of the Private Sector
While the public option for Spaniards is great, the private healthcare sector is commonly used in tandem! For expats, private insurance is required, but there are many benefits that permanent residents find to be well worth it. A private plan gives you access to bonus medical services that aren’t covered through the public system. This includes things like no waiting periods, post-recovery care, extra prescriptions, specialty coverage, and outpatient therapies, just to name a few. You also get your choice of doctor, which is great if you aren’t fluent in Spanish, because you can go to a doctor that speaks your native language. Private plans also have same-day service and appointments available, with your results going straight to your phone or email. Because of these many benefits, Spain usually doesn’t have a problem with foreigners trying to emigrate without first getting the required coverage.
The Importance of a Private Plan
Obtaining proper health insurance is one of the most crucial parts of any international move. Not only because it ensures your personal health and safety, but also because Spanish visa applications from non-EU citizens will not be approved until health insurance documentation is provided. If you’re planning to move abroad, It’s highly recommended that you look into getting health insurance as soon as possible. However, with everything else you’ll need to organize before your international move, this can be a somewhat challenging task. There are a seemingly endless number of Spanish insurance companies to choose from, all varying in price and coverage depending on the policy being offered. At Gidea, we can eliminate this daunting and time-consuming process for you by finding exactly what you need according to your specific circumstances.

What Gidea Can Do for You
Why go through us instead of an insurance company directly? One reason is the cost! The price offered by a broker like us will be lower than the price that an insurance company will offer. With Gidea, you can start using your insurance on the very first day, while when you apply for a policy directly through an insurance company, you will face restrictions according to a waiting period, usually from 3 to 10 months. We also don’t require you to have a Spanish bank account or address like insurance companies do. We’ve been helping expats for over 10 years now, so if there’s ever anything out of our expertise, we have relationships with a selection of trusted legal, relocation, and real-estate advisors we can refer you to. This way, you won’t have to go far to sort out all the details of your move. Our plans are always 100% compatible with all visa requirements, so there should be no problems during your arrival.
It’s our goal at Gidea to make your health insurance the least of your worries. We’ve got you covered!
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