In this video, Diana shares valuable insights on the key considerations for choosing your health coverage in Spain. In the second part, she provides helpful insights on efficiently utilizing your insurance, including tips on securing appointments with medical professionals.
Health Tips
The health benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil is a very common ingredient for the Mediterranean diet, and it is known for its delicious flavor and its versatility since it can be used in all kinds of savory and sweet preparations. Olive oil is also famous for its health benefits as it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and also high […]
The Danger of Pine Processionary Caterpillars in Spain
If you live in Spain, you have probably heard about Pine Processionary Caterpillars or Thaumetopoea Pityocampa, that make big cocoon nests in pine trees and move in groups by forming long lines on the ground. It is considered to be a very threatening moth because of its dangerous interaction with humans and other mammals and […]
Why Regular Health Checks are so Important?
Being healthy can mean various different things, many of us think that health is the opposite of illness, so we are healthy when we are not ill. However, according to the Worlds Health Organization, the term health goes way beyond the absence of illness, we are actually healthy when we are in a state of […]
Does vitamin D help against COVID-19?
Vitamin D, also called “the sunshine drug” forms in the skin’s deeper layers through the absorption of sunlight. The vitamin is crucial to immune and metabolic function of the human body. You can also acquire it easily and quite cheap, in the form of supplements. Best of all, it might also help us in the […]